

学校 of Humanities

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鲍德温 华莱士 大学 有 discontinued 的 philosophy major 和 is no 长er accepting applications as of spring 2024. BW will continue to offer a 和 elective courses in philosophy. 专业的观点.

Undergraduate 欧博allbet

(440) 826-2222, admission@wxzjnt.com 


Intellectually stimulating. Intrinsically rewarding. 哲学 is a dynamic major that builds competencies in critical thinking, argumentation 和 communication. Its real-世界 focus fosters innovative thinking 和 leadership attributes applicable to careers in law, 业务, 教育, 欧博allbet, 医学 和 public service.

Coursework is rigorous, 的oretical 和 practical. You'll study classic philosophers, engage in Socratic dialog 和 probe contemporary issues. You'll explore your own values, opinions 和 presuppositions as you delve into complex topics.

个人关注, faculty collaboration 和 interdisciplinary opportunities are at 的 forefront of 的 major. You'll supplement classroom studies 与 enriching experiential learning opportunities, including independent study projects, internships 和 study abroad.

哲学 offers outst和ing preparation for graduate 和 professional school as well as workplace opportunities. It teaches you to address topics 和 questions in a critical, systematic way. It fosters ethical decision-making 和 builds skills in reasoning, problem-solving 和 oral 和 written communication.

Gain an edge for LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, GRE

Because it builds strong analytical, problem-solving 和 communication skills, 哲学 offers excellent preparation for 的 entrance exams required for law, 医学, 业务, computer science 和 engineering schools as well as o的r disciplines. Students interested in 的se career areas 可以 benefit 从 majoring or 小ing in 哲学.


  • Managers/administrators
  • Social policy/government
  • 销售主管
  • Human resource managers
  • 记者和作家
  • 法律专业人士


Offered as a major 和 小, philosophy enables you to have a customized approach to your studies. In conjunction 与 a faculty advisor, you'll create a personalized plan for coursework 和 experiential learning that addresses your professional interests 和 career goals.

An outst和ing companion field of study, philosophy 支持 和 enhances 的 disciplines of psychology, 英语, 通信, 剧院, 经济学, 业务 和 computer science. Because it 有 a moderate number of course requirements, it is often chosen as a second major or 小.

The philosophy major prepares 学生 to:

  • Demonstrate competence in inquiry 和 analysis (critical thinking)
  • Demonstrate competence in ethical reasoning 和 action
  • Demonstrate competence in written communication
  • Demonstrate facility in engagement 与 big questions/knowledge of history of philosophy


Student 成功 is a top priority. Small class sizes, individual attention 和 faculty mentoring are at 的 core of BW's program.

Experiential learning bridges classroom study 与 real-世界 opportunities. You 可以 enhance your studies through internships, co-curricular activities 和 o的r learning opportunities.

On campus, philosophy 学生 are regularly recognized for 的ir 成就.

Phi Sigma Tau is 的 International Honor Society in 哲学. It provides a forum where interested 和 competent 学生 可以 communicate 和 exchange ideas 与 faculty 和 学生 of similar interest at BW 和 在 的 世界.

At 的 annual Honors Ceremony in 的 spring, recognitions include 的 Delo C. Grover Scholarship 和 Dr. Laura Anders Canis 哲学 Scholarship.

哲学 学生 are also eligible for 的 Georgianna & 阿尔弗雷德·B. 债券,小. Scholarship 和 Gibler Scholarship (for 学生 planning to pursue a career in ministry, 医学或法律).

Experiential learning bridges classroom study 与 real-世界 opportunities. You 可以 enhance your studies through internships, co-curricular activities 和 o的r learning opportunities that include:

学生俱乐部 & 组织

哲学 Club-Le Café Philosophique
Have you ever thought about what it really means to be "connected"? Or perhaps you've craved an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion about universal topics like life 和 death, 爱与恨, 和平与战争, 欢乐与悲伤? BW's Café Philosophique, or Café-Philo for short, encourages 学生 to ga的r 和 explore myriad subjects in a respectful dialogue format where every individual is heard 和 可以 speak freely.


鲍德温 华莱士 有 长 支持 的 成功 of 它的 学生. 证据 of 这 可以 be 见过 in 的 非凡的 成就 of 它的 校友 传播 在 的 曼联 州 和 的 世界.

保罗·克劳斯保罗 克劳斯 '15 is 追求 an M.A. in 神学 和 政治 神学 at 耶鲁大学 大学 神性 学校. As an 本科 at BW, 的 帕尔马, 俄亥俄州, 本地的 进行了 研究 in 中国, 提出了 at 的 2014 ASIANe两个rk 学术 会议 in 芝加哥 和 有 两个 论文 发表 in 学术 期刊.

凯特琳列文凯特琳 列文 '10 is an 演员, 音乐家, 作家 和 导演 基于 in 克利夫兰. 她 是 最近 授予 a 北方 家庭 基金会 剧作家 奖学金 与 克利夫兰 公共 剧院. 这 著名的 奖学金 支持 新兴 剧作家 as 他们 开发 新 作品. 凯特琳 is 从 克利夫兰.


全职 教师

凯利 平底渔船
椅子上, 哲学 部门
Ph.D., 德保罗 大学

詹姆斯 驻军
助理 教授
大学 of 维也纳

兼职 教师

蒂莫西 Harasimchuk
M.A., 克利夫兰 状态 大学